Saachi Arora

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Welcome to your Safe Space!

As children, we openly communicate our feelings and thoughts; however, as we grow and mature, we learn that not everything is acceptable enough to be shared with the world we live in. The fear of being judged, fear of vulnerability, and the desire to be accepted by others often overpowers our need to express our emotions.

My work aims is to provide everyone with a safe space where you can share your story without being judged. I strive to hold a space for you that allows you to feel safe, supported, and empowered.

“In this big world, the most effective form of healing is to have at least one safe space to work through our fears and overcome our challenges.”

So embark on this journey with me to let loose and take care of yourselves because your mental health matters.

Welcome to your Safe Space!

As children, we openly communicate our feelings and thoughts; however, as we grow and mature, we learn that not everything is acceptable enough to be shared with the world we live in. The fear of being judged, fear of vulnerability, and the desire to be accepted by others often overpowers our need to express our emotions.

My work aims is to provide everyone with a safe space where you can share your story without being judged. I strive to hold a space for you that allows you to feel safe, supported, and empowered.

“In this big world, the most effective form of healing is to have at least one safe space to work through our fears and overcome our challenges.”

So embark on this journey with me to let loose and take care of yourselves because your mental health matters.

About Therapy By Saachi

I am a licensed clinical psychologist by profession. I have been trained in various psychological assessments and therapeutic interventions. My purpose is to apply my knowledge and skills in the mental health care system to facilitate satisfying lives and support individuals with mental health concerns. My approach is eclectic and it differs from individual to individual depending on the nature and severity of their concerns.

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 Therapy Sessions Conducted

What can we help you with?

Psychological Assessments

Get an accurate evaluation of your personality and diagnosis through objective testing by a professional.

Psychotherapy & Counseling

Get a space to express your feelings where you will learn healthier coping mechanisms.

Building Self Awareness

Get to know some intriguing facts about yourself and enhance your knowledge

Mental Health Wellbeing

Learn to build a pleasant, meaningful and engaged life. Find your purpose and meaning.

Support Group

Find support with individuals sharing the same pain as yours. There is no greater bond than that.

Workshops & Trainings

Learn and grow in the field of Psychology as a budding mental health professional.

Building Self Awareness

We know the least about ourselves. Our unconscious mind reveals

Workshops And Trainings

Kindly click on the link below to be updated about our upcoming workshops & trainings

Process of Effective Therapy

Sometimes knowing what you’re going for, gives you a lot more relief and confidence to be a part of the process. Be it a career choice, a new job or a therapy session. Knowing what it would be like, automatically reduces a lot of anxiety about the uncertain. This is pretty normal too, as seeking therapy for mental health can be a new experience for many of you. To give you a little sneak peek into what the therapy process looks like, we have prepared the gist of the therapy process just for you! 

Build rapport with the client

In the process of therapy, the first step that the therapist will work on is to make you comfortable with the environment. They will slowly form a rapport and make you feel validated in the safe and non-judgemental space they’ve created for you. 

Know more and understand their patterns

Once you feel comfortable sharing with your therapist, the therapist would slowly want to know more about you to better understand you and your behaviour patterns. This is a step deeper where they would want to know more about your childhood, your past, your family and the thoughts you might be feeling. 

Provide a perspective to the client

Here the therapist has discovered a lot about your patterns and their goal will be to psycho-educate the explanations behind your pattern so that you can be consciously aware of them and their reasons.

Work collaboratively to set goals for the client

After understanding your patterns, your therapist will help you identify the unhealthy mechanisms that hamper your well-being and will orient you to set a goal toward healthy mental health. During this time, the therapist will also be tracking your progress and adjusting the process whenever required. 

Equipping you with all required strategies

 Once you know what you are willing to work for, the therapist will help you equip yourself with the tools and strategies that will help you reach your goal sooner. 

Help them recognize and celebrate little wins

Your therapist will also be your cheerleader to help you acknowledge and celebrate the little victories you achieve during the process.

Relapse Prevention

The last step of the therapy process is where your therapist will guide you to build resilience and flexibility for the times to come and help you become capable. 

Positive Psychology Interventions

Our Blogs

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How often during the day do we pause and celebrate the good moments? It is no surprise at all that too often in life; we let the good moments to pass. And by good moments, I do not mean significant...

The Writing Therapy

When it comes to getting your handwriting analyzed or getting  evaluated on any personality test, do you get conscious? Do you feel afraid of being judged like most people? Do you hesitate...

The Final Moment

War with one’s mind It is not that they did not try, they tried very hard but nothing helped. They looked for solutions but could not find any. It was a war with one’s mind against life and death...

Celebrating the Goodness

How often during the day do we pause and celebrate the good moments? It is no surprise at all that too often in life; we let the good moments to...

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The Writing Therapy

When it comes to getting your handwriting analyzed or getting  evaluated on any personality test, do you get conscious? Do you feel afraid of being judged like most people? Do...

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The Final Moment

War with one’s mind It is not that they did not try, they tried very hard but nothing helped. They looked for solutions but could not find any. It was...

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Celebrating the Goodness

How often during the day do we pause and celebrate the good moments? It is no surprise at all that too often in life; we let the good moments to…