Saachi Arora

Psychological Assessments

Browsing freely can lead to frequent self- diagnosis. But, are they accurate?

Most of the time, NO!

Get your personality and mental health evaluated through standardized, accurate, and reliable psychological assessments for an accurate report.

The process of testing will begin with an intake session to understand your concerns in depth. Followed by the intake session, a few tests suitable for your concerns will be selected for administration.

An accurate and early diagnosis will eventually lead to early and effective treatment.

Psychological Assessments

Browsing freely can lead to frequent self- diagnosis. But, are they accurate? Most of the time, NO! Get your personality and mental health evaluated through standardized, accurate, and reliable psychological assessments for an accurate report.

Personality Assessments

Personality Assessments

Personality Assessments use interview, rating scales, personality inventories and projective tools to evaluate personality traits, character strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and talents.

Specific Learning Disability Assessments

Specific Learning Disability Assessments

It is used to detect the presence of learning disability such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia underlying academic difficulties in reading, calculating or writing, respectively.

Couples and Family Assessments

Couples and Family Assessments

The assessment assesses relationship structure and dynamics that are affecting the individuals and the entire unit (couple/family) to plan effective treatment and management.

Intellectual Assessments

Intellectual Assessments

A standardized test is used to assess different facets of a person’s thinking, abilities, and intellectual capacities. It is required to assess general cognitive abilities, intellectual disability as well as giftedness.

Neuropsychological Assessments

Neuropsychological Assessments

Neuropsychological assessments are used to assess the effects of brain dysfunction on cognitive capacities such as attention, concentration , memory among others.t helps in diagnosis of alzheimers, dementia,

Developmental Assessments

Developmental Assessments

Developmental assessments are usually needed to assess if you child has met all the developmental milestones appropriately as one’s developmental history can have consequences various areas of functioning- academics, relationships, and work related areas.